Saturday, March 25, 2006


Birthdays are happening left, right, and centre. When I got invited to dinner, I was asked whether I liked lobster. Sure, I said, thinking it'd be one of the dishes at your typical Chinese restaurant. Was I ever wrong. Turned out we were going to Lobster Royale, a lobster supper place that made all the memories of PEI come flooding back. I couldn't even believe a place like this existed here! It was a tiny place serving whole lobster suppers. Unlike PEI's New Glasgow Lobster Suppers where they serve all-you-can-eat mussels along with your choice of lobster (unfortunately THAT is not all you can eat), this place served pretty much the same thing minus dessert and mussels. (They served garlic rolls instead with your choice of lobster bisque or clam chowder, a salad, and rice, baked potatos or fries.) I chose the 1 lb broiled lobster but couldn't even make it to the claws. But then again, it could have been all those garlic rolls I ate while I was waiting for the main course... hey, what was I to do? I was so hungry! I was happily stuffed when I left the restaurant. The lobster was stuffed too, but obviously not so happy.


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