Saturday, December 15, 2007

25 cm in 24 hr

We were warned. It's something that I'll dub Stormwatch 2007. Yesterday we had snow on and off in mad waves. Last night, the wind blew through at over 80km/hr, howling and swirling the freshly powdered snow around. It was freeze-my-ass off cold even as I went to yoga and tried to "stock up" as the news told people to do. Make sure you have battery operated radios and candles the news warns. Met a friend close by for dinner and nearly wiped out going out my apt. building, and then again in front of the restaurant steps. Not cool.

Last night I could barely sleep. Somewhat feeling like a child on Christmas day, in eager anticipation, but also due to the wind that rattled my windows and the thunder claps. I woke up to snow swirling, coming down as ice pellets against the windows at time. Today is going to be a sweet day staying indoors. It would have been sweeter if this happened on a weekday and work got cancelled. When it's all said and done, it could be the worst storm in 60 years.

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