Monday, February 06, 2006


For those who aren't familiar with this sport, capoeira is "An Afro-Brazilian dance form that incorporates self-defense maneuvers." I've seen various ways of pronounciation: cap-poo-WHERE-ah, kah-po-AE-rrrrah, cap-o-ERAM (or in my own way: capo-OW-ra due to the pain!). My godbrother has been doing this for a number of years now but they offer it at my gym so I've started taking it up for fun. I do enjoy it although it really is a workout and I've ended up sweating like crazy. I was sore for the last few days trying to recover from this, and also the mega hard pilates class that I had earlier last week. I suppose it was a matter of doing too much too quickly!

And just as we were all settling into almost spring-like conditions, winter has turned around and hit us full blast. Thank goodness the temperature was still warm so we ended up with a nasty rain and wind storm on the weekend instead of piles of snowdrifts. It's snowing a bit today and still mega-windy but I get to enjoy a day at home while I kill the last of my remaining holiday time from last year.

Family notes: my uncle Stephen has been in ICU in Vancouver the last few days. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.


At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi toronto girl,

as promise...great you are keeping yourself busy and in one piece...i would like to see you and the other guy in a sparring match when your back in town...i will setup the event.

this looks great and you have had many adventures, keep up the the huskies..take care

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Vince said...

Now we have to come up with a clever apelido for you. That's a nickname (usually in Portuguese) that gets assigned to you. These usually have to do with your playing style, personality, or physical appearance.

Some people end up with something cool. In my group, we have Olio de Fogo ("Eyes of Fire"), Instigado ("Trickster"), Pantera ("Panther"), Veneno ("Venom") and Tubarrao ("Shark"). On the other hand, some people end up with something completely random.

So, with my limited knowledge of Portuguese, what can I come up with...

Bailarina ("Ballerina"): Sort of obvious, considering your dance background. But then, there's already a girl in my group with that name.

Bibliotecário ("Librarian"): Also sorta obvious, given your education and training.

Cabelo Escuro ("Dark Hair"): Again, really obvious.

But then, the names are usually given by your instructor/mestre.

Incidentally, mine is Toquinha ("Toque"). I still don't know the significance behind it. I think I got one of the random ones.


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